Visual Art Submission Information
Visual Art Submission Guidelines
Focus in Artwork
Movement in Artwork
The Rule of Thirds
Snapshots vs Art Photographs
Image Size in Artwork
Taking a Photo of Visual Art
Top Mistakes To Avoid
Visual Art Submission Form
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Mused Contributor Bio and Photo
Calculating a Word Count
Proofreading Your Submission
Movement in Artwork
Images are generally categorized into two types - static / focal images and movement based images. We talk here about how to create the best movement style of images.In some images the movement is obvious - horses are racing along a track, an acrobat is tumbling across a mat. So for example the movement is fairly clear in the below image, and there are even clumps of dirt flying through the air!

In other cases, the artist creates a sense of movement with the image itself. In this below image the viewer's eye naturally follows the bridge "deeper" into the image, arriving at the Japanese temple.

The below image of a cathedral in Reims draws your eye deeper into the building.

In this ocean pier, your eye draws into the depths of the distance.

Sometimes the sense of movement can be more subtle. Take a look at this following image, entitled "Destination". Where do your eyes begin, and where do they go?

For most people, the focus that first grabs the attention is the large beast to the right. Then, because of the way the beast is pointing, and where it is looking, the viewer's eyes then move along to the destination - the structure on the hill. That sense of movement is a key part of an image having an appeal.
If your photo is not about a central focus, then your photo should typically have some sense of movement or liveliness to it. You want to get the viewer involved with what you are presenting to them.
Visual Art Submission Guidelines
Focus in Artwork
Movement in Artwork ← You Are Here
The Rule of Thirds
Snapshots vs Art Photographs
Image Size in Artwork
Taking a Photo of Visual Art
Top Mistakes To Avoid
Visual Art Submission Form